+4 years of study in systems engineering and +3 studying web technologies. Different types of projects developed with web technologies such as a system to keep track of projects or a game that uses artificial intelligence; which have earned me the congratulations of my teacher engineers on several occasions.
With a current GPA of 95.78 in the career, having earned the best GPA of my engineering class each semester along with high college grades support my strong lean mindset and effort.
He is a great person who teaches good practices, new technologies, tools, soft skills and much more, in different media. Basically he is the person who made me jump into web development and become a better professional.
UX/UI designer who I really appreciate for the great tips and tutorials she provides. Everything that I have managed to design and that looks good is thanks to the knowledge that she has given me.
My systems engineer who urged me to continue in the career and thanks to him and his great explanations I am here learning and developing great projects.
If you have any questions about me or there is simply something you want to tell me, you can contact me through this form or on LinkedIn.